If you attended this year’s Face & Body Midwest, chances are you saw the crowd stationed around the Skinny on Skin certification course, put on by the Melanoma Foundation. If not, don’t worry—the popular course will be presented again at Face & Body Northern California and Southeast later this year.
Welcome to anyone who works with a client’s skin and body, the sold-out course teaches beauty industry professionals how to spot suspicious-looking lesions on clients, along with how to identify types of skin cancer and broach the difficult conversation with clients once cancer has been identified.
Participants walk away with Skinny on Skin certification, equipped to identify melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinoma, and how to help clients move forward and take the next steps after identification. Hard-to-see areas such as the neck and scalp are common territory for estheticians, stylists and massage therapists, putting them in a position to recognize suspicious spots that may go unnoticed.
“It’s such an important cause because with melanoma, it’s all about early detection and prevention, and is curable when it’s caught early enough,” said Meghan Rothschild, presenter and PR and marketing manager for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.
What’s Next?
Among questions on sunless tanners, clients who refuse to wear sun protection and waxing over suspicious areas, “Can I become a trainer?” rang out the most. The Melanoma Foundation has a “Train the Trainer” course in the works, to hopefully go live in spring 2017, so that others can do just that and spread the word on the Skinny on Skin.
“I really enjoy interacting with people who are very passionate about this. It’s giving them the tools to feel confident that they have now gone through training and should feel comfortable talking to a client about it because they have clout now. Everyone just gets so excited about this, and so motivated to go back and share this knowledge with their clients,” said Rothschild.
With both Face & Body Midwest sessions sold out, a similar response is anticipated for Skinny on Skin at the Northern California and Southeast conferences, where Rothschild will return to present the 90-minute-long course. Sign up for mailing lists and keep an eye on event pages to reserve a spot as the conferences approach.
Face & Body Northern California will take place in San Jose from Aug. 26–28, 2017, followed by Face & Body Southeast in Atlanta, Georgia, from Oct. 7–9, 2017.