Knowing what you hope to accomplish at Face & Body Northern California on August 22–24 will help you make the best use of your time while in San Jose.
Set goals. Make a list of goals to complete at the event, such as learning the latest waxing technique, seeing the newest makeup company or purchasing a new line of massage oils.
Scan exhibitors. Read the Face & Body Show Program to discover the event’s exhibitors, then find out what products or techniques they may have at their booth (see Exhibitor List). After you’ve identified companies you would like to visit, create a “must- see” and “want-to-see” list. Periodically check www.FaceandBody.com/California, as new exhibitors are added weekly.
Plan your route. Devise a plan of attack by familiarizing yourself with exhibitor’s booth locations. Order booth visits to reduce walking time and allow you to visit all of your “must-see” list.
Identify classes to attend. This will give you a more concrete idea of your time in the exhibit hall—you may need two days instead of one to accomplish your goals. Formulate a plan of attack and hit the ground running.
Comfy shoes. Speaking of running, make sure to pack shoes that will help—rather than hinder—your goals.
Once You Arrive
Upon reaching San Jose, you will find it is a fun and navigable town.
Check discounts. Several local restaurants and vendors extend discounts to Face & Body attendees. Take advantage—check them out in the program.
Pick up event program. Pick up the On-Site Show Program and schedule last-minute changes to your plans for the show.
Limit materials. Materials that are important to your purchasing decisions could get lost in the noise of extraneous materials you accumulate. Use a notepad to record the most important information, including contact information for representatives.
Be time sensitive. Exhibitors appreciate your tight schedule and want to help make the best use of your time. Ask the questions you really want, as well as contact info for the right person if the booth staff does not have the full answer.
Be picky. Many exhibitors may be launching new product lines and offering pricing specials just for Face & Body attendees, so the floor can get quite exciting. Don’t be shy about skipping booths. The exhibitors won’t mind. It frees them up to fully devote their time to potential customers that are looking to speak to them.
Network. Keep your eyes open for networking opportunities. Leading stars in the skin care industry will be teaching Supplier Classes and Advanced Education Conference Program classes, providing a more intimate setting for you to approach your mentors. Utilize their expertise to increase your industry knowledge and re-energize your passion for your career.
After the Event
As each evening of Face & Body concludes, take time to organize your thoughts and collected information. That few minutes could save you hours once you return home. Sort information by relevancy and contact, and it will illustrate how close you came to meeting your goals for the show.
Follow up with any exhibiting companies that you may still have questions for, as well as leaving feedback about product purchases.
Not to be Missed
The Massage Area debuted in 2014 and returns this year.
Massage Area. Last year included educators such as Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, Biotone, Migraine Miracle and Performance Health—that level of education is continuing in 2016.
Jindilli will be educating on new massage techniques from Australia, and Massage Envy will be teaching massage professionals how to increase their longevity and passion with self-care routines.
The Massage Area has increased in size, allowing more room for attendees to take in valuable lessons and techniques. There are also massage classes incorporated into the Advanced Education Conference Program, as well as the Supplier Classes. Learn about meridian massage from Janel Luu, Le Mieux Cosmetics—and who can resist Boldijarre Koronczay, Éminence Organic Skin Care, teaching Hungarian massage?
Prizes. Passport to Prizes is now included and mailed with your name badge. There are 10 exhibitors participating this year—be sure to visit those booths so you don’t miss out on your chance to win up to $500!