truSculpt flex is the fastest muscle sculpting technology on the market, offering treatments tailored to a patient’s fitness level, shape and goals. This unique device is designed with Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS), allowing for a variety of different muscle building modes to aid in a personalized approach. The sixteen applicators offer one of the largest treatment areas for patients to strengthen, firm and tone the abdomen, glutes and thighs. Results can be seen in just four 15-minute sessions with no downtime1.
truSculpt flex has the ability to isolate and treat up to eight areas simultaneously, allowing for quick, customizable treatments for aesthetic practitioners. The flex+ treatment mode optimizes the treatment time with speeds that are 3x faster. Practices can now treat more patients in less time.
This award winning technology has helped patients reach their goals faster, giving them the jump start or edge they need to tone up trouble areas. Patients are seeing an increase in muscle mass after completing four sessions. The outcomes we can achieve help make them feel stronger and boosts their self-confidence.
For more information, visit https://trusculpt.com
1Stephen J. Ronan M.D. A Novel Bio-Electric Current Stimulation Device For Improvement Of Muscle Tone 7/2019.
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