In recent years, industry professionals have shifted toward using noninvasive treatments like Medical Light Therapy (MLT). With its reputation as a safe and effective alternative to more traditional methods, MLT has become increasingly popular among providers. As more people begin to see the many benefits of MLT, providers are adapting to the industry shift. One of the most popular noninvasive treatments is UltraSlim, a revolutionary technology that uses LED light to penetrate the skin and promote tissue repair.
Unlike invasive methods like surgery or injections, UltraSlim emits safe low-level light energy directly onto your skin's surface, making it both comfortable and effective. It has been shown to help reduce fat cells and cellulite, improve circulation, increase collagen production, improve skin tone and elasticity, and more - with no downtime or side effects! It's easy to see why providers are choosing to offer UltraSlim as an alternative to traditional treatments.
"Recently, LED has become a big forefront in aesthetic medicine; it is a modality we have heard a lot about. It's just not something we routinely used until now," Dr. Shelia Barbarino, M.D., stated when talking about her experience including noninvasive procedures in her practice. She explained that while she has offered many non-surgical weight loss procedures in the past, they either did not work consistently or did not provide her patients with the results they expected to see. She was ecstatic to bring UltraSlim into her office to use in conjunction with other services.
Barbarino said, "My patients have seen significant weight loss from the UltraSlim, they have an average loss of three inches per session!"
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