LaserAway conducted research on the lifestyle and health characteristics firmly linked to aging physical appearance. These characteristics also make up a foundation of systemic health and longevity that goes beyond the appearance.
The research focused on seven these characteristics: binge drinking, obesity, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, smoking, excessive sun exposure and stress. LaserAway set out to establish regional trends and to report where are the youngest-looking cities in the U.S.
The report's key findings revealed the top four cities with the youngest-looking residents are all near the west coast. San Francisco ranked as the youngest-looking city, and Baltimore was reported as the city with the least amount of young-looking people. Eight of the 10 youngest-looking cities are in the northern half of the country, and obesity, poor sleep and smoking are the most influential factors in the lowest-ranking cities.
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To determine which cities looked the youngest, LaswerAway took into account factors from binge drinking and obesity to levels of physical activity and stress. By comparing the numbers against the national average, they ranked the 65 most populous cities with one being the youngest-looking and 65 being the least young looking.
San Jose and Seattle trailed behind San Francisco as the youngest-looking cities. The lifestyle habits of the residents in these cities are more likely to give them a youthful appearance than resident anywhere else in the U.S.
Residents in San Francisco maintain below-average rates for binge drinking and obesity and have fewer sleep problems than the national average. They also stay more physically active, smoke less, and maintain healthier stress levels than the average American. The same can be said for the other cities in the top four, which are all neighbors in the Pacific Northwest.
Maintaining an active lifestyle appears to be a top priority with all, but one of the cities on the top 20 youngest-looking list because they have a below-average number of residents who don’t partake in physical activity. Other influential factors that the youngest-looking top five shares are good sleep habits, maintaining a healthy weight, and living a less stressed life than the average American.