Six-year follow-up data from 438 women with IDEAL saline breast implants, published online in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (February 24, 2018) showed high patient and surgeon satisfaction. This United States-based trial enrolled 502 women (399 primary augmentations and 103 replacements of existing augmentation implants). Forty-five board certified plastic surgeons at 35 sites served as investigators. Of the 502 women enrolled, 438 (87.3 percent) completed six-year follow-up visits.
Patient satisfaction with the implants at six years was 89.7 percent for primary augmentation and 91.6 percent for replacement augmentations; surgeon satisfaction was 92.6 percent for primary and 94 percent for replacement. Adverse events included Baker class III & IV capsule contracture (5.7 percent for primary and 11.5 percent for replacement) and rupture/deflation (1.8 percent for primary and 4.7 percent for replacement).
Image: IDEAL Implant