Face & Body Northern California attendees started off the second day of the event by listening to the inspiring story of "The Bald Beauty Queen of Self-Esteem," Sandra Dubose, and her journey with the autoimmune disease alopecia areata.
During her keynote speech, Dubose told the story of how losing all of her hair wreaked havoc on her self-esteem and shared with the audience the different paths she took to regain her confidence and inner peace, not to mention winning a beauty pageant along the way.
Sandra's 3 Beauty Tips for the Soul
- See the blessings in the challenges, they often turn us into the person we have the capacity to be.
- Own your power. Make a decision to change your mind and see things from another perspective.
- Gratitude. Life can be difficult and unfair, but it is also short. Challenges help us to realize what is important and often puts smaller problems into perspective.
She urged the spa professionals in the audience to be sensitive to clients going through challenges. She said, "Clients need to know they're beautiful on the inside, no product can make someone feel that... encourage clients to fix the issues going on inside, don't just cover it up. Tell them the truth, the trust you."