RxBIO accessed the rights to sell the NeoGen Plasma Skin Rejuvenation System (NeoGenPSR) in Iowa, Minnesota and Utah. The company is also currently securing rights in Michigan, Illinois and Kansas.
The NeoGenPSR is FDA approved and utilizes nitrogen plasma technology to resurface, regenerate and tighten skin. The system keeps the skin intact while providing a biological dressing that supports the natural process of regeneration. This process increases the rate of healing and provides protection from infections or complications typically observed with ablative light and laser treatments.
The approach provides clinicians with a holistic method to treat various dermatological conditions and concerns. This non-fractionated and non-ablative device converts medical nitrogen gas into pure nitrogen plasma, which is delivered at increased temperatures and high energy to the reticular dermis to aid in skin regeneration and resurfacing.
The treatment is suitable for clinics that specialize in skin care procedures, and have patients that are interested in improving their skin texture, tone and elasticity. The NeoGenPSR can provide these benefits without ocular guards, safety glasses or a laser room.
Nitrogen plasma technology has been the subject of various clinical studies that "demonstrate neocollagensis and a reduction in elastosis, leading to long-term regeneration and remodeling of collagen and elastin that will continue to improve for up to 12 months post-treatment and will leave results lasting for years after."