Treatment with a noninvasive 1,060nm diode laser (SculpSure, Cynosure) is a safe and effective option for patients who experience contour deformities following liposuction. Christine Petti, MD, FACS, treated 15 patients with post‐liposuction contour deformities in the areas of the deformity. Each patient underwent two SculpSure treatments spaced six weeks apart. Two blinded evaluators rated pre- and postprocedure photos and patients rated their satisfaction with the treatment.
The evaluators correctly identified the post‐treatment image in an average of 85 percent of subjects and rated 33 percent as “Much Improved” and 66 percent as “Improved.” All 15 patients rated their satisfaction as “high.” The study was published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (June 4, 2019).
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