TruInject Medical Corporation has received U.S. Patent approval for its TruInject simulation training system, which includes a human head model and “smart” syringe to train physicians on proper injection. The system allows the trainee to receive real-time feedback about the injection–including how fast and how much he is injecting–and includes computer visuals that allow the trainee to “peel back” the model head layers to better understand the injection procedure in relation to the needle, skin, muscle, nerves and bone layers affected by the procedure. “Our goal is to create a comprehensive certified training system that accelerates the learning process for injectors of aesthetic fillers and toxins, increasing doctor skill and confidence in administering the procedures and helping assure patient safety,” says Gabrielle Rios, CEO and founder of TruInject. The system will be tested with select doctors over the next several months, and is expected to be widely available by
early 2015.