Singapore bio-tech firm CellResearch Corporation, which manufactures the Calecim Professional skincare line, has announced that San Diego-based dermatologist Mitchel P. Goldman, MD, will be chairman of the Calecim Professional Medical Advisory Board.
CellResearch Corporation is a Singapore-based biotech company that discovered an abundant source of stem cells in the umbilical cord lining in 2004. This novel discovery is patent protected in 41 territories worldwide. Apart from the Calecim Professional line, which utilizes the stem cells, the company also owns CordLabs, which licenses cord-lining stem cell banking technology to cord blood and tissue banks. CellResearchCorp is also actively formulating a cord-lining stem cell-based wound-healing drug that is currently undergoing U.S. FDA trials for use on chronic diabetic and other hard-to-heal wounds.
Dr. Goldman is currently conducting an Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved clinical trial using Calecim Professional Multi-Action Cream. He will also help co-development Calecim technology products and applications in clinics to further global education on growth factor technology in skincare.
“This is exciting news for both Calecim and CellResearchCorp,” said Gavin Tan, CEO of CellResearch Corporation. “With Dr. Goldman, we’re partnered with the ‘grandfather’ of growth factors, if you will, and our research aims to provide patients with a solution for a variety of skin concerns.”
Dr. Goldman added, “I am selective when I collaborate, but making the decision to affiliate with Calecim was a no-brainer. Calecim Professional is particularly exciting because of the extensive body of science behind it. This is the first time that cord lining stem cells—or stem cells in general—are being truly utilized in skincare health. Initial observations of the effects of Calecim on the skin have been very encouraging, and I see incredible potential.”
Image: Mitchel P. Goldman, MD