Lax skin on the face and body is a common and difficult to treat aesthetic concern. Radiofrequency and ultrasound-based devices are among the most widely recommended procedures, but in recent years, the use of hyperdilute calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA, Radiesse, Merz Aesthetics) has gained attention as a potential alternative—or add-on treatment—for skin tightening both on and off the face.
A recent study, “Treating the Face and Body with Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite: Dilution Practices and Injection Techniques for Biostimulation and Skin Tightening in Clinical Practice,” was presented and shared as a poster during the virtual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery in November. It includes practical guidance gathered from 12 expert physician injectors and covers workflow for dilution and hyperdilution of CaHA, instructions for injection of the face and body and tips for patient selection.
The authors noted that when diluted in a 1:1 ratio, CaHA can be used in the face and hands to provide a smoothing effect. In this dilution ratio and indication, placement is in the subdermal plane. Hyperdilute versions of CaHA—used for skin tightening—include 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 or greater ratios of dilution of CaHA:dilutant and should be injected in the subcutaneous or dermal-subcutaneous junction.
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Inga Hansen is the managing editor of MedEsthetics.