BTL Aesthetics has released long-term data on patients who underwent treatment with the company’s noninvasive, radiofrequency energy-based Vanquish device for body contouring. Thirteen individuals who were part of a one-month follow-up study published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology came back four years later to determine if their circumference reductions had sustained long-term. The patients preserved an average 75.2% of the original body contouring effect four years post treatment.
“This is a milestone study for the industry, as evidence of how the results evolve over longer periods of time hadn't been studied,” said Klaus Fritz, MD. “While we [physicians] have always known the effects of radiofrequency induced apoptosis are permanent, this study's findings clinically demonstrate just that, along with the fact that long term results of BTL Vanquish treatments can be sustained.”
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