Leading the way in LED Light Therapy equipment for plastic surgeons, dermatologists, estheticians, and other licensed skin care and wellness professionals since 2001. LightStim is the only U.S. manufacturer of LED equipment for professional use in the treatment room as well as at-home care devices for clients.
What is LightStim?
Just like plants, our skin and other body tissues have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy.
LightStim uses LED light therapy to deliver light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body's natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells.
Each LightStim product uses different wavelengths, or colors, of light. When this beneficial light is applied directly to the skin it helps to increase collagen and elastin production, reduce inflammation, speed healing, increase circulation, and destroy acne bacteria.