In an effort to bring more effective acne care to people who don’t have access to a dermatologist, LaRoche-Posay has launched Effaclar Adapalene Gel 0.1% Acne Treatment, the first over-the-counter adapalene gel product in the U.S., and My Skin Track PoreScan, an online skin analysis tool powered by artificial intelligence.
“There are many effective acne prescriptions including combinations of benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoids. However, many people don’t have access to these prescriptions because they don’t visit a dermatologist or their insurance won't cover them. OTC prescription-strength acne treatments are a game-changer for people who have limited access to a healthcare provider,” said dermatologist Hilary Baldwin, MD.
The My Skin Track PoreScan (available at www.porescan.com) uses artificial intelligence to make personalized skincare recommendations for those concerned with clogged pores, raised imperfections and residual marks
“My Skin Track PoreScan not only provides consumers access to a personalized skincare regimen upon their initial skin analysis, but it also allows them to track changes in their skin after completing their regimen,” said Adrien Dissous, VP of marketing for LaRoche-Posay USA. “This will provide insights into how to adapt their daily skincare routine with new product recommendations based on their new needs.”