Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc. (JMSR) has formed an exclusive partnership with KLC Consulting to create and offer the Transforming Aesthetic Partners (TAP) Program, an industry-leading virtual business consultant program designed for aesthetic offices and medspas.
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The TAP Program is being managed and conducted by the KLC Consulting team whereas JMSR is sponsoring its eligible aesthetic office resellers to get access to a two-month virtual classroom and portal for participants.
John Connors, CEO and president commented, “JMSR is continuously evaluating how we can be a more innovative, relevant and supportive partner to our aesthetic office partners. Retail skin care is an under-realized area of opportunity for aesthetic practices, but with consumer shifts in 2020 due to COVID, we feel there’s a substantial opportunity for aesthetic practices to offer superior value to patients in any economy. We were impressed by the impact KLC Consulting was able to provide to their aesthetic offices through 2020 and firmly believe they have increased the trajectory of success in these tumultuous times. The TAP Program ensures our aesthetic resellers will be better equipped for growth and achieving and exceeding their business goals in 2021 and beyond.”
Kaeli Lindholm, CEO of KLC Consulting added, “Our passion is to collaborate and support aesthetic offices while providing tremendous insights that will serve aesthetic business brands long into the future. One of the keys to our success has been our accountability-based mission to teach timeless business principles through multiple weekly connections we make with clients alongside assignment of homework to facilitate seamless implementation of strategies. Doing the work translates to adoption of the concepts we teach. Sessions are followed by continuous follow-up and communication with each class participant. We are delighted to work alongside the JMSR team with the confidence of knowing their brand and vision is aligned with ours to provide a white glove level of service that lends to premier business partnership for aesthetic practices in the industry."