GlyMed Plus was the proud sponsor of the 4th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic Gift Lounge, held on May 4, 2011 in Hollywood. Christine Heathman, CEO and founder of Glymed Plus, presented professional products for both men and women to attendees. The Celebrity Men’s gift bag included a travel-ready gift set that included GlyMed Plus FOR MEN Essential Face Cleanser, Face Scrub, Shave Cream, Post-Shave Anti-Aging Recovery Balm and Oil-Free Protective Moisturizer. The Celebrity Women’s gift bag included the GlyMed Plus Addictions Kit. The travel-ready kit included Cell Science Mega-Purifying Cleanser, Ultra Hydro Gel and Eye Calm, as well as two products--Intense Peptide Skin Recovery Complex and Photo-Age Environmental Protection Gel SPF15--from the Age Management Skin Care System.