Givaudan Awarded Fifth Consecutive CDP Double 'A' on Climate Action and Water Security

Sherry Madera, CEO of CDP, said, “Congratulations to all the companies on CDP’s A List, and those companies that started or accelerated their journey towards environmental transparency in 2023–we saw a 24% increase of disclosures last year and that trajectory is to be applauded.'
Sherry Madera, CEO of CDP, said, “Congratulations to all the companies on CDP’s A List, and those companies that started or accelerated their journey towards environmental transparency in 2023–we saw a 24% increase of disclosures last year and that trajectory is to be applauded."
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Givaudan has been awarded its fifth consecutive CDP double 'A' on climate action and water security.

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CDP runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Its annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. The scores are said to show organizations and their stakeholders where they are on the road towards operating in line with a 1.5-degree, deforestation-free and water-secure future. By disclosing over consecutive years, organizations can understand the trajectory of their environmental journey.

Gilles Andrier, CEO of Givaudan commented, “A fifth consecutive double A score on climate and water is something to be proud of, not just because it reinforces the leading action we are taking across our business but most importantly because of the impact we are able to deliver through this. The additional recognition of our work to address deforestation is extremely encouraging and I would like to thank all of my colleagues across Givaudan who are playing a role in this journey. As we celebrate these achievements it is important to recognize that we must not stop here. It is clear that there remains much work to do and we must continue to accelerate action across all these vital topics as we work together to create a future we can be positive about.”

Sherry Madera, CEO of CDP, said, “Congratulations to all the companies on CDP’s A List, and those companies that started or accelerated their journey towards environmental transparency in 2023–we saw a 24% increase of disclosures last year and that trajectory is to be applauded. It is only by laying the groundwork of disclosure that companies can show they are serious about the vital part they play in securing a net-zero, nature-positive future. Earning a place on the A List is about more than the score. It’s an indication of high quality, complete data that equips companies with a holistic view of their environmental impact, serves as a baseline for transition plans and–crucially–enables them to follow through on their ambitions. As we move deeper into the Decade of Action, and as CDP continually raises the bar for what represents environmental leadership, the work of A List companies is never complete. We look forward to seeing all companies turn their commitments into further and more meaningful and effective action.”

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