Combination treatment with fractional CO2 laser (FCO2) and radiofrequency microneedling (RFM) offers greater reduction in striae distensae with the same level of downtime as CO2 laser treatment alone. This was the finding of a recent study by GH Seong, et al, published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (online May 22, 2020).
The researchers treated 19 adult women (Fitzpatrick skin types III–IV) with striae distensae on their abdomens or calves. Global photographic assessments showed significant improvement in the combined treatment area (6.1) compared to FCO2 (5.1) and FRM (4.3) alone. Patients also reported greater improvement in the combined treatment area. Ultrasound revealed significantly increased skin thickness and dermal density (204.9 um and 8.8 percent) in the combined treatment group, while melanin and redness indices were higher in both the combined and FCO2 treatment areas than FRM.
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