Face & Body Northern California [August 25-26, 2019 in San Jose, CA] always brings in a crowd of spa professionals that are hungry for education and inspiration, and Skin Inc. is feeding both of these needs with our keynote speakers for this year's event..
Finding Success Through Struggle
![You may recognize our first keynote speaker from The Amazing Race [2017]. Redmond Ramos will be the first keynote speaker to go in front of the hungry minds and open ears on Sunday, August 25, 2019. Although Ramos stepped on an IED and lost his leg in Afghanistan, he triumphed over tragedy to later compete in the Warrior Games, the Invictus Games and The Amazing Race.](https://img.medestheticsmag.com/files/base/allured/all/image/2019/04/gci.Red.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&q=70&w=400)
Ramos will dive into the hidden opportunities behind obstacles that can help us succeed and grow. Using his own personal struggles from being in Afghanistan, treating patients and then becoming a patient himself, Ramos is able to show how struggles can ultimately lead to success, and how looking for challenges may be the best way to get your business to grow.
You've Got the Power in Sales

Gest will discuss how no matter which level of spa professional you may be, everyone is in sales to some degree, and she is going to continue on to challenge the "truths" that many spa professionals believe about sales to help you unlock greater possibilities and opportunities for increase business growth.
A Little About Our Speakers
Redmond Ramos joined the military at 18 years old to become a combat medic in the Marines. From here, he deployed to Afghanistan as a combat replacement for 3rd Battalion where he stepped on an explosive device and lost his left leg. Ramos looked at the struggles that came from as an opportunity to grow, and he went on to compete in track and swimming internationally for Team USA Invictus Games, Endeavor Games, Warrior Games and the Amazing Race and Triumph Games.
Merit Gest wrote Myth Shift: Challenging the Truths That Sabotage Success and created The Merit Method: 3 Day Retreat for a Lifetime of Sales Mastery experience. Gest has worked with coaching, training and consulting more than 100 clients across 80 different industries to teach them how to become sales masters. Gest has also earned the highest designation in The National Speakers Association, which is held by less than 12% of speakers worldwide.