Understanding Acne
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States and affects up to 50 million Americans any given year, across all ages, genders, and race. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not an adolescent condition, or one caused by poor hygiene. There are many exacerbating factors such as diet and skin care products, but at its core acne is a hereditary condition of the pores called retention hyperkeratosis. This condition is defined by the shedding of dead skin cells at a much faster rate than normal. Where normal pores shed one layer of dead skin cells per day, acne-prone pores shed up to five layers. The excess shedding of skin cells combined with the cohesive nature of sebum creates the microcomedone, which is the beginning of all acne. This condition will cause inflamed and noninflamed lesions alike.
Treating Acne Holistically
What we put inside our bodies matters as much as what we put on our products we use on our skin. While acne cannot be cured, it can be managed with the Face Reality Clear Skin MethodTM which uses the right combination of products, professional treatments, nutrition, and lifestyle choices. Along with a customized product routine that is adapted over time, it is important that people with acne-prone skin avoid acne triggers like pore-clogging ingredients found in personal care items and cosmetics, manage their stress, and consume anti-inflammatory foods to support their skin from the inside out. Chloe Williams, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), explains that many modern ailments, including acne, are tied back to inflammation and gut health. Williams asserts that “sticking to natural, whole foods, will give your body the best defense against inflammation’s pesky flare-ups” and that “a balanced gut means better digestion, clearer skin, improved mood, and sharper cognition.”
Supplements & Supportive Ingredients
We often say that our Clear Skin MethodTM is not a quick fix and that is because it takes work from both the Acne Expert and acne client to not just reach clear skin, but to maintain clear skin. While acne clients are getting accustomed to their new home care routine and are adopting a more acne-safe lifestyle, we encourage clients to take supplements to support their skin from within. The Face Reality Clear Skin Method focuses on creating holistic balance inside and out, which is why we recommend supplements to help clients achieve that balance efficiently. During a client consultation after discussing their intake paperwork, you will have a good understanding of what supplements they may currently be taking and what questions to ask next. If a client has mentioned that they have tried antibiotics or Accutane for their acne, then you’ll know probiotics are likely needed to repair gut health. This is a great example of when to recommend the Clear Skin Restore. This supplement features bioavailable zinc to alleviate inflammation and helps to control the presence of c. acnes bacteria, and a proprietary Probiotic Gut-Skin Axis Blend designed specifically for people who experience acne. If a client shares that they typically experience breakouts during their menstrual cycle, that’s an indication to recommend Clear Skin Balance, which features sustainably sourced Omega-3s to calm inflammation and improve sebum quality (and a host of other whole-body benefits) and a proprietary Antioxidant Skin Defense Blend that helps brighten skin and improve skin tone.
As our co-founder Laura Cooksey asserts from her many years of experience treating acne, “supplements really help clients’ skin to ‘turn the corner.’ That extra support to counter inflammation can make a huge difference in getting clients’ skin clear.” Introducing supplements into your clients’ routine will address any internal inflammation and imbalances that may be exacerbating breakouts and impeding the clearing process. Not only will the Clear Skin Supplement Duo address active acne, but they can also help reduce the severity breakouts and they promote overall wellness that everyone can benefit from.
Key Benefits
- Helps to clear skin and reduce the severity of breakouts*
- Helps to brighten skin, and improve overall skin tone*
- Support gut health, immune function, and overall health and wellness
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
“A balanced gut means better digestion, clearer skin, improved mood, and sharper cognition.” Chloe Williams, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)
“I’ve seen supplements really help clients’ skin to ‘turn the corner.’ That extra support to counter inflammation can make a huge difference in getting clients’ skin clear.” – Laura Cooksey, Face Reality Co-Founder
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