When we think of aging, we automatically think of wrinkles. However, according to research conducted among 2000 adults, almost one in three women believe that as they age, their pores are more visible than their wrinkles.1
Everything you ever wanted to know about visible pores
Visible pores are a major concern for cosmetics and dermatology. POREXIA is the term given by dermatologists for those who obsess with the size of the pores on the face.
They contribute to aesthetic discomfort, particularly in the age of social networks and the search for the perfect selfie.
But do you know what a pore is?
Small but seemingly infinite – around 300,000 on the face alone – pores are the holes that house hair follicles. Thanks to them, the skin breathes, perspires and secretes sebum. As you get older, the elasticity of the skin decreases and the pores enlarge, and their diameter is indeed doubled between the ages of 25 and 50 years!
Mélanie Mollet, communication manager and Lionel Valenti, scientific expert at Exsymol, tell all about the pore in a short video to discover HERE:
Innovative scientific results on visible pores expertise
Exsymol unveiled its recent novel expertise on the visible pore at the last IFSCC Cancun scientific congress. The result of this research was selected in the TOP 10 innovation awarded posters.
This innovative approach demonstrated the key role of the MAGP-1 glycoprotein in the network of collagen and elastin fibers around the pore, playing an architectural supporting role.
Exclusive biomechanical studies carried out in partnership with the company Biomeca in Lyon, France have uncovered new data, particularly understanding the mechanism of pore enlargement and sagging induced by aging. Dermatologists suggest peelings or laser sessions to superficially tighten dilated pores but Exsymol instead offers a real anti-aging solution to tighten pores from the inside with ADENOSILANE.
A silicium and adenosine-based active ingredient to prevent pore dilation
ADENOSILANE is a silanol from Exsymol technology (biofunctional silicium + adenosine). This active can revitalize the pore sheath to retain its grip and prevent loosening.
Innovative scientific in vitro results demonstrated that ADENOSILANE optimizes the fibrillogenesis (sheath reconstruction: collagen, MMP1) but also the fiber network around the pore: sheath’s quality (MAGP1: microfibril associated glycoprotein 1, the innovative marker). Additionally, it recovers the pore elasticity (+200% elastin).
All these innovative results are presented in a 3D mechanistic video to discover HERE:
Clinical tests also demonstrated efficient results to make your skin pores invisible!
Results showed:
- ADENOSILANE prevented pore dilation as 75% of volunteers were presented with less visible pores and 70% of a refined texture;
- A 9.5% reduction of wrinkle depth was observed for 75% of volunteers treated with ADENOSILANE and 7.75% increase in firmness; and
- An 8% increase in smoothness versus the placebo to prevent rougher skin.
By acting on pore sheath, ADENOSILANE improves skin firmness, leading to the prevention of pore dilation for INVISIBLE PORES and to recover baby skin!
1. L'Oréal Paris USA. (2014, Jun 10). L'Oréal Paris faces the facts about pores: new survey results from the brand uncovers the power of pores. Cision US Inc. Available at: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/loreal-paris-faces-the-facts-about-pores-262699361.html
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