Specialty skincare company Enaltus has donated $20,000 to the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF), the philanthropic arm of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). These funds will be applied to the ongoing research in the areas of the impact on ASMS on biofilms around breast implants, clinical adipose stem cell banking, Adipose Derived Stromal Cell (ADSC) injections for pain management in osteoarthritis of the human knee, and a retrospective study on pulmonary embolism. In addition, they will help the ASERF establish a comprehensive Data Hub, which will provide practitioners with a forum in which to input information about specific surgical procedures to determine trends, examine complications and determine best practices that will benefit ASAPS members, patients and the specialty as a whole.
“We owe a great deal of gratitude to Enaltus for its donation to ASERF. Enaltus has always been a staunch supporter of industry research—not only for their own purposes, but for the entire aesthetic industry,” said Al Aly, MD, president of ASERF.