DermTech, maker of the PLAplus smart sticker for melanoma detection, has launched the #Stickit2Melanoma campaign, urging the public to get proactive about skin exams, as part of Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month.
The #Stickit2Melanoma campaign aims to bring awareness to the dangers of late-stage melanoma and explain how scheduling skin exams can help identify melanoma while in its most treatable stage.
DermTech has pledged up to $1 million over the next four years to raise awareness about the importance of skin exams and make them accessible to everyone.
For every #Stickit2Melanoma pledge to schedule a skin exam, DermTech will make a $5 donation to its nonprofit partner organizations focused on skin health. These donations will help support events, educational content and programs to fight to end melanoma deaths.
“DermTech is fervently committed to reducing melanoma deaths through early detection, and this pledge is just the start to a bigger movement we are hoping to inspire.” said John Dobak, MD, CEO of DermTech. “The technology and science to reduce melanoma deaths through early and accurate detection is here, so no one should ever have to die from this cancer. To make this possible, we’re calling on everyone–dermatologists and patients alike–to galvanize their communities to join our pledge today.”