Dermalogica Clear Start is launching a campaign to promote skin acceptance and educate audiences on acne, breakouts, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and more during the month of June 2021.
As a part of the Acne Awareness Month campaign, Dermalogica Clear Start will:
- Partner with acne normalization photographer Peter Devito to create assets that uplift young people by destigmatizing breakouts and celebrating real skin.
- Initiate a #GetRealWithClearStart pledge on ClearStart.com and Dermalogica.com to embrace real skin and forego filters, Photoshop, etc. in the month of June. As an incentive, Dermalogica will be offering free shipping on their next Clear Start purchase for those who pledge.
- Partner with influencers Christina Yanello, Young Yuh, Joshua Specks and Jasmine Sullivan who will share their “real skin, real story” in a series of videos.
- Place billboards and wild postings throughout Los Angeles featuring photography from Peter Devito to promote the message that acne is normal.
Clear Start will also host a global summit, “In My Skin: Real Conversations About Real Skin," on June 10, 2021. The hyrid event will take place in Encino, California, and virtually via YouTube Live.
Topics/key speakers include:
- "Real skin in a filtered era: the negative impacts of social filters + photoshop" by Dr. Tijon Esho, who coined the term “Snapchat dysmorphia” to speak to the negative impacts of social filters and photoshop.
- "Realistic acceptance conversations." by Influencers Christina Yanello, Young Yuh, Joshua Specks and Jasmine Sullivan
- "Diversifying the skincare industry," by Joshua Specks and Ceressa Supreme
- "All skin is good skin," by Dustin Portela and a Dermalogica professional skin therapist.