Introducing AviClear™, the first and only FDA-cleared energy-based device for the treatment of mild to severe acne.
Cutera® has revolutionized acne therapy by redefining what can be achieved without a prescription. The new AviClear system delivers longterm resolution of acne safely across all skin types.
Engineered with an innovative 1726 nm wavelength, AviClear treats acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous glands to reduce active acne. Designed with patient comfort in mind, AviClear is enhanced with AviCool™ contact cooling for providers to deliver a highly effective and safe treatment experience without the need for an anesthetic.
According to Dermatologist and Scientist Macrene Alexiades, M.D., Ph.D., Board-Certified Dermatologist and Scientist in New York City, “The AviClear Laser System is indicated for the treatment of mild to severe inflammatory acne vulgaris safely and effectively.
The clinical trials confirmed that current and future breakout episodes are shorter, less intense, and less frequent following the AviClear protocol. The device features an intuitive user interface and unique energy delivery to control acne. In addition, we have found that acne clearance continues to improve over time, indicating the potential long-term efficacy of this unique treatment.[1]”
In addition, Cutera has developed Avi360, a full partnership approach that is focused on customer support and marketing efforts. As part of the program, physicians will have a 1-stop shop where they will receive support with installation, training, and onboarding, throughout the partnership.
This novel and differentiated approach offers a safer, simpler, and effective solution to this chronic skin condition without the need for prescription medications.
To learn more, visit aviclear.com or contact a Cutera representative to schedule a demo.
[1] Data on file. FDA clearance study. Cutera Inc.
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