Cutera donated a Cutera enlighten tattoo removal laser to Homeboy Industries’ Tattoo Removal Clinic, along with clinical training and service to aid community members who need tattoo removal to get back on their feet.
Homeboy Industries is the largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world, providing support to more than 10,000 former gang members a year. The organization provides parenting classes, anger management, tattoo removal and more to support re-entry as former gang members integrate back into their families and the workforce.
“We are grateful for the Cutera partnership and their donation of a new tattoo removal technology,” said Thomas Vozzo, CEO, Homeboy Industries. “This new tattoo laser removal machine will advance our tattoo removal practices, allow us to provide less painful sessions and cut down considerably on the number of treatments necessary to remove our client’s tattoos. We know this new Cutera machine will lead to the overall betterment of our tattoo removal clinic and the care we are able to provide to our clients.”