Yael Halaas, M.D., FACS, Now Provides EMFACE Treatments
Double-certified facial plastic surgeon, Yael Halaas, M.D., FACS, was selected to introduce BTL Aesthetics' latest device, EMFACE, a non-invasive toning treatment that uses a new method for toning and tightening facial features, into her New York practice.
Halaas served as the leading hey opinion leader for the development of EMFACE, and has been working on the development and research of EMFACE for the last six years, including completing the original wrinkle reduction study and the second ultrasound muscle study.
The plastic surgeon has the longest clinical experience with the device and will now be providing EMFACE treatment to her patients at her practice in New York City. EMFACE is designed for all skin tones and types, and is considered a viable alternative to facial injectables.
Related: BTL's New EMFACE Launches at Ellen Turner, M.D.'s, Dermatology Office
This non-invasive technology targets facial skin and the underlying muscles to sculpt features and decreases fine lines throughout the face, utilizing a patented combination of muscle contraction and skin tissue heating. Halaas was also one of the original investigators for EMSCULPT and EMSULPT NEO, which led her to become the first clinical researcher in the world for the EMFACE.
"EMFACE will do for the face what EMSCULPT did for the body," shares Halaas. "The technology is fantastic to fight pre-aging, maintain surgical results, restore volume and help patients scared of fillers or needles. When you strengthen the correct muscles, you can see a lifting effect of the entire system, the overlying skin and the neck."
This treatment provides many benefits that contribute to overall facial rejuvenation. Patients who have experienced EMFACE reported 37% fewer wrinkles, 30% more muscle tone, 23% more lift and a 26% increase in collagen production. 92.8% of patients also reported improved volume in hollow facial areas.