Paul M. Friedman, MD, president of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), has announced new initiatives for his term.
The ASLMS is a multi-disciplinary professional organization dedicated to the development and application of lasers and related technology for health care applications.
Dr. Friedman is a board-certified dermatologist, and also the director of Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston, Texas.
The new initiatives include:
1. Removing Brands from Sex Trafficking Victims
Many victims of sex trafficking are branded by their traffickers with tattoos to convey ownership, including names, symbols, initials and barcodes. This problem generates a desperate need for support during recovery, and safe and effective pro bono laser tattoo removal to allow survivors to reclaim their bodies.
“In the coming year, I will be looking to the membership to bring their talents forward to help change lives with lasers,” said Friedman. “There are plenty of needs and opportunities. My goal is to bridge the gap and help those patients who desperately need our expertise. One of my main initiatives in this upcoming year is going to be a philanthropic campaign to create a national directory of board-certified ASLMS members who volunteer their time and devices to remove branding tattoos free of charge to help sex trafficking survivors and their recovery process.”
2. Treating Vascular Birthmarks
The Society will work in conjunction with the Vascular Birthmark Foundation to create best practice guidelines for safely treating vascular birthmarks. Dr. Friedman will expand access to the educational opportunities available through ASLMS for residents and early career scientists.
“Creation of a consensus of uniform standards for the treatment of vascular birthmarks with laser therapy is well overdue,” said Friedman. “Members of this prestigious society have developed and optimized the incredible technology that we all utilize on a daily basis. By partnering with organizations like the Vascular Birthmark Foundation, we can offer our expertise and devices to those who would not otherwise be able to afford treatments.”
3. Promote Social Media Use by Physicians
Consumer education is important, as patients increasingly use social media for research on cosmetic procedures and core cosmetic physician. Dr. Friedman believes that the ASLMS can better provide patient education and counteract misinformation regarding cosmetic procedures.
“As an interdisciplinary and international professional society, the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery can help foster increased presence by promoting social media collaboration among core cosmetic physicians,” said Friedman.