In celebration of National Rosacea Awareness Month, experts from the American Acne and Rosacea Society (AARS) are working to educated the public about the disease, its impact and its treatment.
Throughout the month of April, the group will share #RosaceaRescues' science-backed, medically based strategies to calm skin redness and inflammation.
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However, the AARS is dedicated to further advancement. For a decade, we have been honored to support young researchers in rosacea and acne, and we are pleased to do so again in 2023," said James Q. Del Rosso, DO, President Elect of the AARSand Research Director at Del Rosso Clinical Research in Las Vegas, NV. "Through April 17, we are accepting applications for AARS Clinical Research Awards or an AARS Research Scholar Award. This is a great opportunity for young minds in dermatology to shed light on the pathogenesis of rosacea and acne or the patient experience.”
During April and throughout the year, the AARS encourages patients to visit the office of a board-certified dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis of skin concerns and to begin a treatment regimen, if appropriate. Members of AARS will take to social media and other outlets in efforts to raise awareness and dispel rosacea myths.