Aesthetics Biomedical, maker of the SoME Skin Care line, has been granted a second U.S. Patent for Biologic Preserving Composition and Methods of Use. The patent covers topical compositions for combining biologics with skin care.
“With ABM’s issuance of a second patent that covers biologic use within a topical product along with the recent publication that offers new insights relating to the stability and use of PRP in the clinical setting, clearly demonstrates that ABM is solidifying themselves as a key player in personalized topicals,” says Shaun Wootten, director of research & development at Aesthetics Biomedical. “ABM has a pipeline of other personalized skincare products that can incorporate PRP and other autologous factors that will be available to plastic surgery, dermatology, medical spa and cosmetic businesses.”
The patent announcement came shortly after publication of Aesthetics Biomedical’s (ABM) second paper on SoME Skincare, demonstrating clinical efficacy following 120 days of topical treatment. (J Drugs & Dermatology Vol 19, Dec 2020) SoME Skincare allows for the utilization of personalized autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in a topical skincare product for 90 days of home use. An earlier controlled, double blinded, eight-week study demonstrated, tolerability and significant efficacy of the topical product for facial rejuvenation. (J Cosmetic Dermatol Vol 18, Issue 5, 2019). The patented cosmetic base formulation serves as a “chassis” platform technology, from which other functional topical products can be developed for various skin conditions.
“Aesthetics Biomedical remains focused on developing the required basic and clinical research to successfully commercialize these innovative products. The issuance of this second patent helps solidify the company’s proprietary position, providing for a product pipeline based on natural, autologous growth factors for skin and haircare. We will use our creativity to provide the aesthetic physician community with the most innovative, safe and efficacious products," says MaryAnn Guerra, president and CEO.