Joyce Imahiyerobo-Ip, MD, Dermatologist and Owner of Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA
“As skin health professionals, I think now more than ever before, it’s our responsibility and focus on being the best, to be on top of everything that’s cutting edge to get our patients the results they demand,” says Joyce Imahiyerobo-Ip, MD, Dermatologist and Owner of Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA, who seeks to restyle the ‘old-school’ into modern aesthetic medicine. “There’s no more settling for the ‘status quo.’ It’s what makes my practice unique and what draws people to me. I’m offering the modalities to get results no matter the issue. We’re increasingly held to a higher standard. You can’t just offer run-of-the-mill or outdated therapies anymore. It’s imperative to stay ahead of the curve.”
“When I started thinking about opening my private practice, it was time for me to be creative, try new things and offer new treatments and products important to me. And with this risk, I took another look into technology with a similar set of jaded beliefs of lasers being too expensive, not delivering desired results, and leaving patients disappointed. It wasn’t until a friend of mine introduced me to the Aerolase Neo Elite I said, ‘Maybe things have changed.’ It amazed me how much Aerolase had been improved laser technology and how a single device could improve results for so many indications. Could it be true? I still had my guard up. All device reps are in it to sell units, but my peers, the reviews, and the clinical results were so well aligned with my desires in opening a practice. I took a leap of faith to see if it met all my needs –and it has.”
Hair removal, PFB reduction, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation reduction, and skin rejuvenation after 3 Neo Elite treatments. Photos courtesy of Sholema Aesthetic and Laser Clinic, Lagos, Nigeria
“Part of my branding is that we’re a colorblind practice. My practice is 50/50 in terms of minority versus non-minority, including Black, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian and Middle-eastern skin. It’s important to recognize this allows doctors to treat skin of color safely. Treating these skin types with laser is not something I think most people get to develop. If you're not familiar with or their skin or routinely have to turn this patient population away, how do you develop the comfort and confidence? For people to be at ease using this is a laser and deliver effectively safe results is a great step forward.”
Melasma clearance and skin tone, texture, and quality improvement after 4 Neo Elite treatments. Photos courtesy of LaMone Aesthetics Spa, Bryn Mawr, PA
Laser Skin Health with Neo Elite
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