Detroit-based dermatologist Henry W. Lim, MD, FAAD, assumed his role as president of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) at the conclusion of its 2017 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. He will hold office for one year.
Dr. Lim is chair emeritus of the department of dermatology and senior vice president for academic affairs at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. He previously served as the AAD’s vice president; as a member of its board of directors; and as former chair of its Research Agenda Committee, Council on Science and Research, and Scientific Assembly Committee. Dr. Lim is also past president of the American Dermatological Association and the American Board of Dermatology. He has authored more than 400 articles and has served as the editor or co-editor of seven textbooks.
“A top priority will be positioning the specialty to meet the challenges of today’s complex health care environment,” said Dr. Lim. “Additional key areas of focus will be on enhancing the quality of patient care and promoting diversity in medicine.”